Winning employees and customers.

Presenting professionally with your website

Your website is your business card. For any endeavor, the first step is usually a Google search. A professional website instills initial trust in your potential customers and employees, signaling a high-quality experience. With a professionally designed website, YOU can achieve exactly that.

What you get from me.


At the agreed time, we will have the first consultation to discuss your individual needs and visions for your website. During this conversation, you have the opportunity to express your requirements and ask questions. Together, we can develop the best strategy to optimize your online presence.


After our non-binding consultation, you will receive a customized proposal for your website. This proposal will clearly and transparently outline all relevant details and services, including design consultation with color selection and logo development, as well as content creation. My goal is to provide you with a competitive solution.


In the color selection and design development, I implement the agreements, creating a visual concept that perfectly represents your brand. The logo creation results in a unique and appealing logo that highlights your identity. Your preferences and visions are crucial in creating an impressive design.


For content creation, I will craft meticulously researched and engaging content that effectively conveys your message. My goal is to write informative and high-quality texts that resonate with your target audience and professionally showcase your web project. Your individual preferences will be taken into account to create texts that perfectly align with your vision.


After the completion of the web design project, we will ensure that your website meets all your requirements in every aspect. The finishing will be done promptly and efficiently, with room for any necessary adjustments. Upon your satisfaction, an official acceptance will be conducted to ensure that your website is ready for deployment and operates smoothly.


To ensure that your website remains protected and functional at all times, it is important to regularly create backups. In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, we can quickly restore your data and content. Through regular updates and checks, we can identify and address issues early on. I minimize potential security risks for you.

I am Silja

“I started designing websites after completing my bachelor’s degree in Business Informatics and pursuing further training in web design.”

"I'm excited to creatively, modernly, and according to your wishes, develop your website!"

Let's start together.

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